Welcome to the Personal Branding Podcast | Episode 0


For as long as I can remember I have been fascinated with peoples’ stories. When I was a little girl I used to pretend I was a journalist. I would interview my friends and family (I took this very seriously) and publish their stories in my fake newspaper that I used to type on my Dad’s ancient desktop computer. Dial-up tone and everything.

I mean, can you picture it?

This little redhead sitting in her parent’s basement, typing up the ‘Vatuone Weekly” for all of two people to read: mom and dad.

Hot off the press! Get your Vatuone Weekly hot off the press!

I would ask my guests questions like:

“So, what do you do for a living?”
“Who, really, are you?”
“Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”

I always seemed to gravitate towards the deeper questions. I liked getting down to the heart of the matter. Even as an 8-year-old.

As life would have it, 10 years later I went on to start a digital community of women called The Soul Collect. This was a publication that featured a new woman’s story every week. 

These were stories that spoke of heartache, loss, and triumph.

And for a long time, this gave me a really strong sense of purpose.

I loved helping women edit their stories, refine their message, and publish something that felt meaningful to them. 

It was my first “venture”. Although looking back now, I cringe at my lack of experience. 

I mean, the errors I made...I had absolutely zero idea what I was doing.

Nevertheless, it’s something I’m still really proud of because I clung to my purpose that I felt deep within me.

Years later I would eventually move on to personal branding as a profession. I’ll never forget the morning I woke up and said to myself,

“You’re a personal brand strategist.” 

It was clear as day, as though I had been working to earn this title my entire life.

Personal branding, at its core, is about conveying your personal story in a way that is honest, genuine, and purposeful. 

And we can use it for so many things--to inspire action, drive growth, and make ourselves available to an abundance of opportunities.

It’s this era’s sure advantage. It’s what takes you from known to sought-after, capable to credible, unconnected to top-of-mind. 

And if I’m being totally honest, it’s not for everyone.

Building your personal brand requires that you dig deep inside yourself, ask tough

questions, and have the courage to put yourself out there again and again and again.

You’ll enjoy this podcast if you’re a self-starter,   

If you’re unsatisfied with the status quo, 

If you long to go your own way,

And share your personal journey with the world.

Personal branding is a long game.

It’s something you will protect, grow, and water for years to come. It requires a great deal of grit and tenacity.

And here’s a tip: it helps to have a friend. A coach. A guide. A community of people who share a common goal.

And that’s what I hope this podcast will become for you. 

As you listen to upcoming episodes, you’ll find your small pearls of wisdom, actionable advice, expert guest interviews, and thought-provoking discussion which will give you invaluable insight into the world of personal branding.