4 Ways to Know if You're Ready to Build a Personal Brand | Episode 2

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You might have an idea of what it means to have a personal brand, but what does it mean, really? Simply put: a personal brand is you, online. A personal brand is every touchpoint of communication that people have with you; i.e., your website, Instagram profile, TikTok videos, emails, LinkedIn posts, etc. Having a personal brand means that you are intentional about what you choose to share online. 

It is essential that you do not look at your personal brand as a separate entity. Your personal brand should be an honest reflection of who you truly are. A personal brand cannot be created as a construct to hide behind. A personal brand is not about creating your “perfect” identity. Rather, it is the process of revealing your true self to the world.

So how do you know if you're truly ready to start building your brand? How can you be sure if this is the best use of your time and resources? Well, I’ll tell you. It starts with these 4 things.

You have a story you want to share.

If you’re scrolling through Instagram and feel a small desire to share your own story, this is a sign that building a personal brand might be the right fit for you. If you see your friends sharing content and wonder what it would be like to share your own,, this is another sign that building a personal brand might be a good fit for you. If there are prominent life events or extraordinary lessons you have learned in your life, it’s natural for you to want to share those with others. In fact, it’s one of the best things you can do.

A word of advice: don’t silence these desires... honor them. Become aware of when you feel this way and get curious about it. Ask yourself, “If I could share my story with others, what would I say and how would I say it?” Ask yourself, “What is a lesson I have learned in my life? What is a problem that I have solved for myself?” Journal about your answers to these questions.his is the best place to start. 

You crave being creative. 

I was hosting a PBA interview a few months ago where candidate confided in my team and I that she, “Craved being creative.” Immediately, I knew she was the perfect fit for the program. 

Building your personal brand is all about cultivating your inner creative self. It takes a certain degree of inspiration, courage, and creativity to create content. Thus, you have to be willing to think outside the box, try new things, and go after what you want. Those who build their personal brands are brave, fearless, creative thinkers who are willing to put themselves out there. Are you ready to take that risk? If so, you’re ready to build your personal brand.

You like using social media, even if it gets annoying sometimes.

Using social media is a prerequisite for building your personal brand. Sure, you don’t have to be on it 24/7 in order to find success. However, you do need a healthy relationship with social media so you can reap the benefits it provides. Are you able to set healthy boundaries around your precious time and attention? Do you genuinely enjoy communicating with others and engaging with posts you see online? If you’re someone who harbors negativity around social media apps, it may be time to get curious and ask yourself why that is. It’s best to start with a clean slate, fresh mind, and a healthy relationship with social media and content creation. 

You may never feel totally ready to share yourself with others, but leaning into the discomfort helps you work through this resistance. When you share Instagram posts, blog posts, TikTok videos, etc...you begin to reimagine the possibilities that come from using social media in a positive light.

You want to help others in some capacity. 

The purpose of your personal brand should not solely be to gain followers, increase your revenue, or raise your visibility as a thought-leader. While these are good goals, they cannot be your only goals. The purpose of your personal brand should answer the question: What do I seek to contribute to the world?

There’s a common misconception that implies personal branding is merely self-promotion. On the contrary, personal branding is actually the opposite of self-promotion. Personal branding motivates us to share our expertise in a way that is selfless and seeks to give something back to the world; we strive to serve our audience without assuming we’ll receive anything in return from our followers.The only way to win online is by operating from a place of genuine service and empathy. When we create content with zero expectations, give generously to our followers, and show up as our authentic selves, then we truly understand what it means to have a personal brand by every sense of the word.This may seem radical, but this mindset is what enables you to show up online with true clarity, confidence, and conviction. 

If you’re ready to focus your attention on others and how your content benefits them, this will take the pressure off of you, your performance, and the fear of how others might perceive you.

If you’ve read this post and resonated with any of the four points above, this is a strong indicator that you are ready to build your personal brand. It might be a good time to consider joining a community like Personal Brand Accelerator, a 3-month transformational program designed to help you discover your purpose, clarify your message, and communicate with confidence online. Our signature framework will equip you with the knowledge and skill set needed to build your personal brand and become a highly-influential entrepreneur in months, instead of years. Never again will you suffer from imposter syndrome or wonder about your place online. You are special. There is a reason you are here. You have something important to say, and others want to hear it.